Background: The waste produced in the course of healthcare activities carries a higher potential for infection and injury than any other type of waste. Inadequate and inappropriate knowledge of handling of healthcare waste may have serious health consequences and a significant impact on the environment as well.
Objective: The objective was to assess knowledge, attitude, and practices of doctors, interns, nurses, laboratory technicians, attenders and housekeeping staff regarding biomedical waste management.
Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study done in a medical college rural hospital. A total of 383 health personnel were included in the study with their prior consent. Study subjects include doctors (56), interns (65), nurses(83), laboratory technicians(44), attenders (78) and housekeeping staff (57).
Results: Doctors, nurses have better knowledge than other staff regarding health care waste management. Knowledge regarding the colour coding and waste segregation at source was found to be better among nurses and laboratory staff. Regarding practices related to health care waste management nurses were better. However, injury reporting was nil across all the groups of health professionals.
Conclusion: The importance of training regarding health care waste management needs emphasis; lack of proper and complete knowledge about biomedical waste management impacts practices of appropriate waste disposal.
Keywords: Health care waste management, hospital, medical professionals
Journal Authors
Suwarna Madhukumar *, Ramesh G **
* Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, MVJ Medical college & RH, Dandupalya, Kolathur Post, Hosakote, Bangalore Rural 562114.
** Associate Professor, Department of OBG, MVJ Medical college & RH, Dandupalya, Kolathur Post, Hosakote ,Bangalore Rural 562114