About Us
Who We Are?
IJBMS is a peer reviewed International Basic medical sciences journal published by society of Basci Medical Sciences Doctors, tweleve times yearly, most widely viewed throughout the world,Published online in multiple international language. Online version is made freely available for institutions. IJBMS accepts manuscripts from author through out the world. And it is peer reviewed and it is published immediately. On average three months time for publication and for rejection within 15 days after submission.
The Journal is indexed by Google Scholar, Hansen MedAbs, Index Copernicus
Objectives of the IJBMS
Main objective is to promote research and information in basic medical sciences like Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology . To develop researches in the field of medical education technologies.
Critical Objective
- To maintain the highest standards of editorial integrity
- To improve health, health care and health education, internationally by elevating the quality of medical care, disease prevention, and research
- To publish original, important, well-documented, peer-reviewed articles on basic medical sciences subject topics
- To provide doctors with continuing education in basic science to support clinical decisions
- To enable physicians to remain informed in multiple areas of basic medical science, including developments In the field of health education.
- To achieve the highest level of ethical medical journalism and to produce a publication that is timely, credible, and enjoyable to read.
Editorial Board
- Chief Editor – Dr Senthil Kumar MD
- Associate Editor – Dr K.Gunasekaran MD FRCA
- Editorial Board : Dr. Meikandar MD
- Dr. Lawrence MD
- Dr. Rekha MD
- Dr. Paul MD UCHL NHS London
- Dr. S.Immanuel Frimly medical Institue UK