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Biochemistry in Medical Education

Biochemistry forms the basis of all life sciences including clinical sciences. Physiological functions are indeed the manifestation of the underlying biochemical reactions. The advances in the field of Medical Science is simply overwhelming and obviously, biochemistry occupies the central place in this endeavour. The Profession of clinical chemistry is rapidly merging with other disciplines in […]

Comparative Study of Conventional Media and Low Nutrient Media for the Microbiological Diagnosis of Endophthalmitis

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Endophthalmitis is an ocular emergency and bacteria are the commonest etiological agents of infectious endophthalmitis. Any delay in treatment will result in serious complication like complete loss of vision. OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken with the aim of isolating bacteria causing endophthalmitis and studying their antibiogram which is very crucial for management; and […]

Lipids & Lipoprotein (a) [lp(a)] in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

Abstract: The present study was designed to evaluate the lipid profile & Lp(a) in pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH) compared with healthy normal pregnant as control. 60 cases were studied of which 30 were normal healthy pregnant control & 30 were PIH cases of the same trimester. The plasma lipid parameters such as total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides […]

Effects of Hyperventilation on Electroencephalogram of Normal and Epileptic Patients

ABSTRACT: Purpose of the study: Voluntary hyperventilation (HV) has been widely used in clinical EEG laboratories as “activation method” to enhance preexisting abnormalities and / or induce abnormal findings in an otherwise normal electroencephalogram(EEG).The present work was done to, a. compare the incidence of epileptiform activity during hyperventilation test on the EEGs of normal and […]

Anti-insulin Antibodies, Hba1c and Diabetic Complications in T2dm

Abstract: Background: Normal insulin secretary function is essential for the maintenance of normal glucose tolerance and abnormal insulin secretion is invariably present in type II diabetes mellitus patients. Autoantibodies against insulin could also be one of the causes for decreased insulin function and increased frequency of complications in T2DM. Materials and Method: we evaluated for […]