A forty two year old male, a chronic smoker, was posted for lumbar discectomy at L3-4 level. General anaesthesia was administered and was maintained with isoflurane and nitrous oxide with oxygen. On turning the patient to prone position, the patient developed hypoxaemia. Air entry was reduced on the left lung field along with a rise in peak inspiratory pressure. CT scan of the thorax showed left sided pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema. A chest tube thoracostomy was done and the patient made an uneventful recovery. We recommend that pneumothorax should be considered a possibility in any patient who has unexplained hypoxaemia during general anaesthesia and exercise caution while using nitrous oxide in chronic smokers.
Keywords: Pneumothorax, hypoxaemia, smoker.
Journal Authors
First Author: Dr. Kaja Mohideen Sulfiqdeen DNB, Senior Resident, Department Of Anaesthesiology, Saveetha Medical College Hospital, Thandalam, Kanchipuram district, Tamilnadu.
Email: sulfiq.deen@gmail.com
Second Author: Dr. Karunagaran Pradeep MD, Assistant Professor, Department Of Anaesthesiology, Saveetha Medical College Hospital, Thandalam, Kanchipuram district, Tamilnadu. (Corresponding author)
Email: drkpradeep@gmail.com
Third Author: Dr. Shanmugam Parthibhan MD, Assistant Professor, Department Of Anaesthesiology, Saveetha Medical College Hospital, Thandalam, Kanchipuram district, Tamilnadu.
Email: parthibhanshan@gmail.com
Correspondence Address :
60/39, Model Hutment Road, CIT Nagar, Chennai 600035.
Mobile number: 9566094140
Email: drkpradeep@gmail.com