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Comparison of Cardiac Autonomic Activity and Bmi in Different Phases of Menstrual Cycle Using Heart Rate Variability


Aim: The aim of this experiment was to compare the cardiac autonomic activity and BMI in the different phases of menstrual cycle using Heart rate variability. Context Heart rate variability (HRV) in women has been related independently to endogenous sex hormones, hormone replacement therapy, menopause, menstrual cycle, body mass index (BMI), and physical conditioning .It has become a popular non invasive tool for assessing the activities of autonomic nervous system.

Objectives: The aim of this experiment was to compare the cardiac autonomic activity and BMI in the different phases of menstrual cycle using Heart rate variability

Design: Prospective comparative study during one menstrual cycle. Study setting A total of 54 female students were selected. The selected students were divided into two Group I (BMI < 20) and Group II (BMI >20) the ECG recording were taken during the 3 phases of menstrual cycle. The analog ECG signal were conveyed through an A/D converter to PC and were analyzed .The frequency domain analysis was done in which the LF,HF and LF/HF components were studied.

Results: In group II (BMI>20)) there was a significant increase in the LF/HF ratio in the luteal phase of menstrual cycle when compared to other phases of the menstrual cycle. In group I (BMI < 20) there was no statistically significant difference in LF/HF ratio in the three phases .

Conclusion: Woman between 16-25 years having less BMI had more parasympathetic activity than those with greater BMI. In women with greater BMI cardiac autonomic activity had a predominant sympathetic profile.

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Journal Authors

Sneha B Shetty *, Sheila R Pai *, Nayanatara AK *, Balachandra Shetty **

* Departments of Physiology, Center for Basic Sciences, Kasturba Medical College (Manipal University) Bejai, Mangalore-575004

** Professor, Department of Medicine, A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka, India

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