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Study of Anxiety Levels in Young Female Adolescents


Background: Anxiety can be a general feeling of worry, a sudden attack of panicky feelings, or a fear of a certain situation or object. Children and teens have anxiety in their lives and like adults, they can suffer from anxiety disorders too.

Aim: To assess the degree of Anxiety levels in young female adolescents by using a self-administered anxiety questionnaire. Methods: This study was conducted in the department of Physiology, Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai among 50 healthy young female students. Males were excluded in this study. Their age group ranged between 17 to 19. Anxiety status was assessed by using Hamilton Anxiety (HAM-A) Rating Scale questionnaire and it was scored.

Results: Results showed that 64 % students scored moderate anxiety levels and 36% students scored mild anxiety levels. Conclusion: Based on the results, we have found that mild to moderate anxiety is seen among the young medical students. This could be due to psychophysiological factors like stress that may lead into anxiety and also due to new environmental study.

Key words: Anxiety, stress, young students

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Journal Authors

Bagavad Geetha. M 1, Roopa. S 2, Subhashini. A.S 3, Janani S 4

1 Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, Sri Ramachandra University,
Chennai – 600 116

2 3 4 Faculty Member, Department of Physiology, Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, Sri Ramachandra University,
Chennai – 600 116

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