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Primary Retroperitoneal Bronchogenic Cyst Mimicking Hydatid Cyst – A Case Report

ABSTRACT: Bronchogenic cyst are generally found in mediastinum ,particularly posterior to carina, but they rarely occur in unusual sites such as skin, subcutaneous tissue, pericardium and retroperitoneum. Bronchogenic cysts can in fact mimic hydatid cysts particularly in endemic areas like india. We report a case of retroperitoneal bronchogenic cyst mimicking a hydatid cyst in retroperitoneal […]

Vesicocutaneous Fistula Presenting as Strangulated Inguinal Hernia – A Rare Complication of Bph in a Developing Country

Abstract: A 55-year-old man presented with intermittent episodes of urinary leak through the right groin following an abscess drainage at that site 2 months back. Since then, he had been suffering from recurrent urinary tract infection and urinary leak, which used to be treated symptomatically and by catherization. Intravenous urogram (IVU), voiding cystourethrogram (VCU), and […]

Assessment of Palpable Breast Masses in North Indian Women Using Triple Test

Abstract: Introduction: Triple test (mammography, Fine needle aspiration cytology and physical examination) can be used accurately in patients presenting with palpable breast masses. We studied the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of the three components. Aims and Objectives: This study aimed at the assessment of palpable breast masses in north Indian women using triple test. […]

Suprahepatic Anteriorly Placed Gall Bladder With Chronic Buddchiari Syndrome

Abstract: Congenital anomalies of the gall bladderinclude its complete absence, hypoplasia and atresia, duplication, excessive mobility and ectopias, but they are very rare.Suprahepaticanteriorly placed gall bladder with chronic budd chiari syndrome is an extremely rare congenital anomaly. We report incidental radiological findings associated with a 66 yr old male, with no past history of related […]

Case Report- Primary Calcium Oxalate Enterolith Masquerading as Gall Stone Ileus

ABSTRACT: We report a case of 65 year female with 7 days history of pain in abdomen, vomiting, constipation and abdominal distension. X-Rays abdomen showed multiple air fluid levels and dilated small bowel loops. Ultrasound abdomen showed dilated gut loops and stone in the gall bladder.Exploratory laparotomy was done and a single 4×3 cm round […]

Case Report -Disastrous Sequelae of Untreated Femoral Hernia

Abstract: Femoral hernia contribute to the second most common abdominal hernia though it represents only a small 4% [1] incidence when compared to inguinal hernia. It is most commonly seen among females more in multiparous and elderly individuals. The peculiar feature of this hernia is high incidence of complication ( obstruction and strangulation) to the […]

Case Report – Uncommon Cause of Abdominal Lymphadenopathy – Castleman Disease

Abstract: No doubt it is rightly said that abdomen is a temple of surprises. The case presented here is one of the uncommon entity which a surgeon encounters . Abdominal mass always presents a diagnostic dilemma to the treating surgeon because of various structures from which it can arise. Mesentric mass in particular is one […]

Urachal Cyst in Adult Presenting as Abdominal Pain – Case Report

Abstract Introduction: Urachal cyst is very rarely seen in adults. They are normally obliterated in early infancy. Urachal abnormalities are more common in children. Case presentation: We describe a case of a 35 years South Indian male who presented with intermittent lower abdominal pain. He also had a history of discharge from umbilicus which subsided […]

A Rare Case of Incidentaloma – Adrenal Tumour

ABSTRACT: Adrenal myelolipoma is a rare benign neoplasm composed of mature adipose tissue and a variable amount of haemopoetic elements. Most lesions are small and asymptomatic discovered incidentally. Herein we are reporting a case of right adrenal myelolipoma incidentally discovered in a 48 year old women presented with intermittent, dull aching, vague abdominal pain for […]