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Urachal Cyst in Adult Presenting as Abdominal Pain – Case Report


Introduction: Urachal cyst is very rarely seen in adults. They are normally obliterated in early infancy. Urachal abnormalities are more common in children.

Case presentation: We describe a case of a 35 years South Indian male who presented with intermittent lower abdominal pain. He also had a history of discharge from umbilicus which subsided on treatment with antibiotics. No mass was palpable per abdomen. CT scan abdomen was done which showed a cystic lesion 1.3 x 1 cm about 4 cm inferior to the umbilicus which was suggestive of urachal cyst. Exploratory laparotomy was performed. Urachal cyst excised. The distal urachal ligament was obliterated and fibrous. No communication was found to the bladder. Histopathology confirmed it to be urachal cyst. Postoperative period was uneventful. Patient was relieved of abdominal pain on outpatient follow-up after 3 months – Conclusion -Urachal abnormalities are rare in adults. Clinical presentation was as chronic intermittent abdominal pain which was nonspecific. A high index of suspicion required to arrive at the diagnosis. The investigation modalities didn’t offer conclusive diagnosis. Excision relieved the abdominal pain.

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Journal Authors

1 Khalilur Rahman , 2 Rajesh , 3 Shruthi Kamal , 4 Dinesh Kumar

1 2 4 Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Saveetha Medical College.

Correspondence Address :

Dr.Khalilur Rahman. A, M.S

Department of surgery, Saveetha medical college, Saveetha University, Saveetha Nagar, Thandalam, Chennai 602105, India

Mobile: +91 9677198691

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