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Vesicocutaneous Fistula Presenting as Strangulated Inguinal Hernia – A Rare Complication of Bph in a Developing Country


A 55-year-old man presented with intermittent episodes of urinary leak through the right groin following an abscess drainage at that site 2 months back. Since then, he had been suffering from recurrent urinary tract infection and urinary leak, which used to be treated symptomatically and by catherization. Intravenous urogram (IVU), voiding cystourethrogram (VCU), and cystoscopy done in our institution revealed a bladder diverticulum with benign prostate hyperplasia, which was communicating with the fistulous opening located in the right groin. Conservative management by catherization completely healed the fistula followed by transurethral resection of prostate. Patient was discharged after 14th day of TRUP and he is now regularly followed up. A long-standing fistula arising from a bladder diverticulum at relatively distant site is of extreme rarity. Vesicocutaneous fistula from an iatrogenic injury to vesical diverticulum resulting from a groin surgery has not been reported so far.

Keywords: Urinary Bladder, Fistula, Inguinal Region

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Journal Authors

1. Dr. Pankaj Kumar Garg, 2. Dr. Ashwani Kumar, 3. Dr. Paras K Pandove, 4. Dr. Vijay K Sharda, 5. Dr. Nikhil Mahajan, 6. Dr. Ashish Khandelwal

1 Junior Resident, Department of Surgery, Government Medical College & Rajendra Hospital, Patiala.

2 Professor, Department of Surgery, Government Medical College & Rajendra Hospital, Patiala.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Government Medical College & Rajendra Hospital, Patiala.

4 Professor, Department of Surgery, Government Medical College & Rajendra Hospital, Patiala.

5 Junior Resident, Department, of Surgery, Government Medical College & Rajendra Hospital, Patiala.

6 Junior Resident, Department of Surgery, Government Medical College & Rajendra Hospital, Patiala

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